How Caring People Who Give Question: When Will You Get Married?
(Muh. Syahrul Padli — Reflection Series)
Many single people misunderstand the good intentions of people who ask when they will get married. They feel that their life, choices, and fate are being mocked. In another case, many married couples turn to the bad mood when asked when they will have a baby, when they will have another child, and other questions alike. Those who fall into this category feel critized by their environment and the social system.
In essence, the questions of when will you get married, when will you have a baby, and when will you have another child are a form of collective concern among fellow Homo sapiens.
This question is asked to clarify our collective purpose as humans. Who knows if you have forgotten or are too focused on your career and need to be reminded.
What is the collective purpose of humans?
To reproduce.
Those who ask those questions only want you to fulfill the requirements as a living being. They are trying to remind you of one of the reasons why you were given the seeds of living beings in your body.
They want to keep you from the potential of marrying an anime character, marrying a ghost pirate, marrying a fairy, marrying the earth, and marrying yourself.
They want you to meet every requirement to be classified as a living being.
For those who have forgotten the requirements for living beings, I will repeat the elementary school science lesson here. So that everything is clear and we can use the same thinking basis.
Okay kids, what is the requirement for something to be called a creature? Eh, I’m sorry. Why do I become a teacher?
Here’s the requirements for something to be classified as a living being are six, namely:
1. Breathing (respiration)
2. Eating and drinking to keep the body’s metabolism running
3. Responding the stimuli from the environment
4. Growing and reproducing
5. Adapting
6. Moving
Marriage, having children, and having more children fall into the fourth requirement. All of these requirements cannot be represented. There is no such thing as fardhu kifayah (can be represented by other moslems). Everything is fardhu ain (required things to do for every Moslem).
Would you like to be represented in breathing?
Those who ask about when you will get married, when you will have a baby, or when you will have another child are fulfilling their duties as living-beings-police (the people who want every person does their duty human being). Why is it that only religious and moral police (Social Justice Warriors) are allowed to exist. Living-beings-police should also be there, right?
Religious-police (people who want to make their rule of religion as ultimate rule for everyone) can remind people in ways that sometimes enter the lane of violating other people’s privacy. Why is it that living-beings-police, who have a noble task of ensuring the progress and survival of Homo sapiens, are questioned? Everything that living beings police do is for the future of our species.
The living-beings-police who remind us to return to our nature to reproduce have good intentions. You are the one who sometimes gets upset.
They want to ensure that Homo sapiens continue to dominate the earth. After all, humans are beings that have the privilege to manipulate nature. The fact that you are not yet mentally strong enough to ensure the survival of a new living being in a decent way is another matter. The fact that this new living being will experience hardship and live through gloomy days because of your lack of financial readiness is a matter for later. The important thing is to get married first, produce new organisms first as much as possible.
The world is filled with poverty because of forcing oneself to be ideal in society is a consequence of natural selection, the law of the nature.
May you will give question to yourself. Hey, why do you have to get married first to reproduce? Isn’t it that people just need a mutual agreement of making love to reproduce?
Do you forget where you live (for Indonesian people)? Are you blind to your surroundings?
Do you want to be raided and forced to marry? Do you want to live in peace because you are always haunted by the possibility of the worst? Do you want to be haunted by the imagination that the door is broken down and you are not finished your se*ual intercourse, the moral and religious polices force you to show your marriage certificate?